Jonathan Guidi

Entrevista 2005

Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]

. Gustavo Lamas - Salidas EP [Safari Electronique]

. Jona - Use & Abuse [Toys For Boys Ltd]

. Morphosis - Hunting [Morphine]

. Zimmermann - #2 [Room 106]

. Paradroid - Special Elevation Patterns [Adjunct]

. Move D & Montagkino - Anne Will [Liebe Detail]

. ND - Zwischen Den Sound [Microfon]

. Onur Ozer - Envy EP [Vakant]

. Acid Pauli - Billy The Killy [Disko B]

. Pan-Tone - Under the influence EP [Sender]

. Neustadt36 - Euronion [Phil E]

Jonathan Guidi

. Dave DK - Breakdown [Television]

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