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Universo Paralello IV Festival Alternativo BRASIL

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Lucas 22

dom 18-nov-2007 15:25

Universo Paralello IV - Festival de música y culturas alternativas (Brasil)

Yo se que muchos piensan en Creamfields Buenos Aires o SAMC como un festival de música electrónica, pero en realidad la palabra festival le queda grandísima, ya que hablando de verdaderos festivales hay uno en Brasil que pareciera fuera de este mundo, al menos pareciera fuera de nuestro continente.

Se llama el Universo Paralello, y el nombre no tiene nada de exagerado, ya que es un festival de música y culturas alternativas que se realiza en Playa Pratigi, una playa virgen y paradisiaca que está dentro de una reserva natural a 3 horas de Salvador de Bahía en Brasil (eso es .. bien lejos).

Este festival no es solo una fiesta de psychedelic trance, es una experiencia completa de vida, ya que tiene 5 escenarios musicales, un mainfloor con psytrance, dark psy, progressive psy, un chillout donde poder descansar y desconectar la mente, un stage alternativo donde tocan artistas de minimal, house, electro, progressive trance, un stage paralelo donde se presentan bandas de reggae, rock, música contemporanea y música autóctona de las tribus indígenas del Brasil.

La desconexión con el mundo es total, ya que al entrar te cambian tu dinero por una moneda especial en el festival, va tanta gente de alrededor del mundo que las pocas cabañas solo dan abasto para los organizadores, hay un camping gigante con todos los servicios necesarios, hasta guardería para los niños.

Lo que hace el festival único es la actitud de la gente, el civismo y la urbanidad, ya que un sitio como este queda mejor que como estaba antes, no se daña la naturaleza, ya que se vive en un entorno de respeto mutuo, un verdadero entorno de paz.

Mas información:
A wise man, possibly an Enlightened Master, once Said that Paradise, a constant pursuit of all mystical and philosophical traditions, was right here. Not just merely in this exact place, but at this exact moment. It is present in every atom, of every molecule, of every element in Nature.

He said that paradise was within each and every one of us, but we still lacked a single gesture: to grasp that which has always belonged to us in the most pleasurable and amusing way. He revealed that, at some point in our existence, we grew more and more distant from our own essence, from our divine nature, which have become utopic. In a certain way, achieving such utopia is diving into our divine essence. It is walking into Paradise.

Universo Paralello invites everyone ? freaks, utopic madmen, brave beings that defy the established reality ? to dive once again into this great utopia, this paradise built with thousands of hands; to be among ourselves, on the shores of a desert beach, caressed by the gentle warm breeze that blows in from the ocean, surrounded by people with a single purpose.

An exercise of Freedom and Citizenship, where respect to your kind and to nature is the solid foundation for the creation of a true parallel universe. A space of protection, respect and tolerance that allows us to surface the paradise within each and every one of us. A space guided by the true meaning of the words peace, love, union, respect and fun. You are all welcome to Universo Paralello!!!

Lucas 22

dom 18-nov-2007 15:26

Line Up:

Mainfloor and Goa Dancefloor


Atmos - SW
Psychaos - UK
Kox Box - DK
Psykovsky - RUS
Tristan - UK
Xerox Illumination - IL
Penta - RUS
Perfect Stranger - IL
Protoculture - SA
Liquid Soul - CH
Hujaboy - IL
Ejekt - IL
Deedrah - FR
Sun Control Species - AUS
Dimitri Nakov - UK
Cosmosis - UK
Panick - SA
Rastaliens - CH
M.A.C.K ? BR
Rinkadink - SA
Sensient - AUS
Ace Ventura - IL
Tetrameth - AUS
Zen Mechanics - NL
The First Stone - BR
M-Theory ? UK
Arkanoyds ? KOR/IT/ISR
Odiseo - MX
Orestis - GR
Cromatone - USA
Headroom - SA
Yab-Yum - CH
Zik - GR
Allaby - UK
Braincell - CH
Burn in noise - BR
Insane Creation - CH
Laughing Buddha ? UK
The Commercial Hippies - SA
Phony Orphants - DK
Antix - AUS
Sensifeel - FR
Hydrophonic - SA
Emok - DK
Dickster - UK
Freakulizer - CH
Shotu ? FR
Whiplash - UK/SA
Wrecked Machines - BR
Joti Shidu ? UK
Sinewave - AUS
Flip Flop - UK
Menog - PT
Jay and EX - MX
Vibra - BR
Delysid - MX
Baphomet Engine - BR
28 - BR/MX
Minimal Criminal ? BR
Zaraus - PT
Lani - BEL
Cosmotech - BR
Gaiatech - IT
Biotouch ? PT
Bash - BR
Ital - CHI
Life Style - BR
Strider ? IT
Pragmatix - AR
Orbital Vision ? BR
Yagé - BR
Audio X ? BR
Temptation ? BR
Ultramind - BR
Patch Bay - BR
Xpiral ? BR
Creatrixx - PT


Ace Ventura - IL
Akasha ? BR
Amanito ? CHI
Anneli - SW
Android ? BR
Back to Mars - NL
Bedouin ? UK
Bishop ? BR
Boteon - BR
Caramaschi ? BR
Chicodelico - BR
Cassiano Cruz - BR
Chriss ? GER
Dick Trevor ? Special Green Nuns of the Revolution Goa Set - UK
Digoa - BR
Dimitri Nakov ? UK
Dré - BR
Du Serena - BR
Edoardo - IT
Edu - BR
Efex - BR
Ekanta - BR
Fabio Leal ? BR
Faisão - BR
Farah - BR
Gino - IT
Gugha - BR
Gui ? BR
Iguana - SW
Irajá ? BR
Jagna - BR
Janczur vs Paula ? BR
K-isuma - DE
Kimo - BR
Livia - BR
Lucas ? UK
Marco - IT
Max Grillo- BR
Mecanimal - BR
Miagui - BR
Nazca ? BR
Nirmal - IN
Paul Taylor ? UK
Pateta vs Txu - BR
Pedrão - BR
Pin ? BR
Psyhead - BR
Psychicom - NL
Raja Ram (Shpongle Set) - UK
Rica Amaral - BR
Riches - NL
Rodrigo CPU ? BR
Roosevelt - BR ? DE
Sarto ? BR
Sandrix - BR
Sassah - BR
Sentient - USA
Shamamix - BR
Shane Gobi ? UK
Slater - CZ
Sutemi - BR
Swarup - BR
Thatha ? BR
Teko - BR
Thomas - BR
Tom Real ? UK
Victor - BR
Zaidan - BR
Zorflux - UK
Zumbi - BR

Alternative Stage and Parallel Stage

Live Bands

Digital Dubs
Edgard Scandurra AKA Benzina
Liquidus Ambiento
Mamma Jamma
Na Palma
O(s) Cachorro(s) Das Cahorra(s) x Spectral Noises
O Quarto das Cinzas
Pedra 70
Pedra Branca & Performance Laíz Latenek e Fernanda Bueno
Rinoceronte Live System
Sete Estrelo
Stephan Thomas & o Néctar do Groove
Super Simples
Zion Train



Act Sense - BR
Allan Villar - BR
Artech - BR
Claudio Brio ? BR
Cosmonet ? BR
Delta W - BR
Electrixxx ? DE
E-Fact - BR
Felguk - BR
Gaudi - UK
Flutuance ? BR
Hamelin ? MX
Khainz - CH
Holocaos - PT
Jaz - BR
Jochen Trappe - DE
Jokke - DK
Jorge Savoreti ? AR
Mental Broadcast ? BR
Mike Frugaletti - USA
Miniduo - BR
Mols vs Rebelix ? BR/NL
Phase - DE
Pilula ? BR
Rami ? BR
Sacoman - BR
StraighFlash - PT
Woogie Boogie - BR
Techsystem - BR
The Treasure Av Show -BR/USA
Ung Bastos - BR
Velcro - BR
Dj Gen vs Vj Alexis AV Show - BR


Al3 - BR
Aminesia - BR
Breno Ung - BR
Cairy - BR
Clarys ? BR
Common Sense - BR
Crash - BR
Dahan - BR
Dan ? BR
Dani ? BR
Daniboy vs Kamaraum - BR
Dimitri Nakov - UK
Edoardo - IT
Emir Animsa - BR
Fischer - BR
Flow & Zeo - BR
Gabriel ? Inimax - BR
Ganjaum - BR
Gen - BR
George Active - BR
Guaxxx - BR
Gui - BR
Guirolle - BR
Hamish - UK
High - PT
Josko - IT
Joti Shidu ? UK
Kali ? BR
Kaesar ? PT
Kitty ? BR
Konka ? BR
Kore - MX
Larsky ? BR
Lee - BR
Logan - BR
Malini - IT
Marko - BR
Matera - BR
Mauro F. - BR
Mutley ? BR
Nazuk - BR
Nickel - BR
Nuno - IT
Paix (thiago lenzi) - BR
Projeto Crystal - AR
Rafa K - BR
Renata ? BR
Regan - SA
Renato Bastos ? BR
Rosa Ventura ? BR
Sadao Oshiro - BR
Tati Sanches ? BR
Tathy ? SP
Teko - BR
Uver ? BR
Vivi Seixas - BR



Araruna Nujazz - BR
Bamboo Kumbá - BR
Baque in Beat - BR
ChicoCorrea&PocketBand - BR
Chill On - BR
Experimental Sound Project - UK
Fuzzy Project 1.0 e 2.0 - BR
Groove Fall - BR
Nagababa - BR
PhunkDub - BR
Psylent - CHI
Salvinorin - BR
Swe Dagon Chillas - BR
Trotter - BR
Yagé ? BR
Yubaba - BR

Lucas 22

dom 18-nov-2007 15:26


Alexes - DE
Alquimix - BR
Aquilez - BR
Babag - CH
Berni_akbal - CHI
Brainkiss - BR
Brij - UK
Chico Correa ? BR
Chris - BR
Drika - BR
Ekanta - BR
Electrip Dub ? FR
Fino - BR
Flict - BR
Fred - BR
Gitã ? BR
High - PT
Iain dub - BR
Jah Ras - AU
Jaramogi ? AU
João - BR
Jon Sangita - UK
Josko ? UK
Justin Chaos - ES
Kyma - BR
Lotus - BR
Mariohm - BR
Marjo ? BR
Minotauro - BR
Mixshell - BR
Murilo Ganesh - BR
Pablo RST - BR
Pesado - BR
Pilar - BR
Punkah - BR
Random 14 - BR
Sallun ? BR
San - BR
Shabda - AR
Smurf - BR
Soneca - BR
Tchelo - BR
Thiago Duar - BR
Toari - BR
Turi - BR
Wash - BR

The Place

The city of Ituberá is looking forward to the coming of the Festival. The Festival is already becoming part of the city?s Cultural Calendar and has received both the support and the respect of the local community. Just like in the previous editions, the city is already getting in the mood of the Festival with the arrival of the first production crews and the beginning of works and the Festival site. You can all expect a very ?warm welcome? from all its residents.

And our word of order is still the same: respect. Respect for local customs and traditions. Respect for nature and all public heritage. Respect to your kind. Responsibility and citizenship walk hand in hand with our sacred right to celebrate and have fun.


el lea

lun 19-nov-2007 13:00

hay tanto que no sabria por donde empezar

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