Diego Ro-K
Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]

House Styles
- Unreleased Vol 5 - Give Your Body [Mood Music]
- Swag - Everything I Know I Learnt On Acid [MFF]
- Step 2 Sun - Nice, Very Nice (Dj Linus Mix) [Solaris]
- Tekel - Deep Turtle [Initial]
- Dj Banjo - Tribute To Hiphouse [Shhh!]
- Funkwerkstatt - Hitcompass EP [Super Fancy Recs.]
- Justin Martin & Sammy D - Cats And Dogs [Classic]
- The Dose - Coming Through [Fumakilla]
- George Thompson - Laid Back Snack Attack [Crosstownrebels]
- Trentemoller - Physical Fraction [Audiomatique]
- Dj T Vs Freestyle Man - Beat The Street [Mood Music]
- Format B: Presents - Slaps [Highgrade]
- Prztz - Everybody [Classic]
- Martinez - Mind Games [Physycal]
- Quizz Presents - Are You Sure EP [Dialect]
Techno Styles
- Closer Music - One Two Three... [Kompakt]
- Alex Under - Las Bicicletas .. [Trapez]
- Robag Wruhme & Jay Haze - Socrates Rules [Contexterior]
- Frankie - Why Not [Frankie Recs]
- Midnight Mike - Bring Me To My Senses [Flesh Recs.]
- Slam - This World (Robag Wruhme Mix) [Soma]
- John Dahblack - My Favourite Stars [Morris Audio]
- Kiki % Silversurfer - Shake Off [Croostownrebels]
- Alex Under - Multiplicaciones [Apnea]
- Laurent Garnier - Controlling The House Pt.2 [F.Comm]
- Starship 727 - All Depends On You [Pigna]
- Jens - Never Be The Same Rmxs [Shallow Cutz]
- Johaness Heil - The Magician Of The Fool [white]
- Recycle - Track 4 [Archive]
- Dominik Eulberg - Tigerkralle [Sniper]
Electro Styles / Breaks
- Sold Out - I Dont Wanna Have Sex With You [Dirty Dancing]
- Telemen - God Is A Computer [Multicolor]
- Force Mass Motion - Why Me? [Lot49]
- Anti-Stablishment Org.- E M D [Italic]
- Aquasky - Masterblaster [Sevensevenseven]
- Holz - Brett [Shitkatapult]
- Coburn Vs. Blonde - Sugar Lips [Great Stuff Recs.]
- Munk - Kick Out The Chairs! [Gomma]
- Loopaz - Blood [Output]
- Fisherspooner - Just Let Go [white]

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House Styles
Techno Styles
Electro Styles / Breaks