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lun 20-dic-2004 2:07


dee jay prof.
músico prof.
#2 (respuesta al #1)
lun 20-dic-2004 3:27

me mataron el resto de los programas, que GUI por favor!!!!.

Y el tema de las donaciones:

Receive a free gift when you donate!

up to $16: get a personal email from one of our lackeys here in the Bludgeon dungeon complex!

$16 or more: get an extremely long and far too personal email from Wizard Master itself!

$32: get a set of perplexingly simplex Bludgeon brand Wizard Master stickers and a cold and impersonal hand written letter from the Wizard Master Henchman Dr. Markus P. Spanglestein!

$64: a one-of-a-kind original Wizard Master iron-on.

$128: a one-of-a-kind original Wizard Master serenade to you (or the name of your choice) on CDR!

$256: a full one-of-a-kind original Wizard Master album of songs never to be released anywhere else, using Bludgeonsoft products only, on CDR!

$512: a full one-of-a-kind original Wizard Master album of songs never to be released anywhere else, using Bludgeonsoft products only, in what ever musical style you choose, on CDR!

$1024: Your name and photo on the Wizard Master Lackeys page! Plus the $512 gift.

$16384: A beautifully framed hand painted nude portrait of Wizard Master! Plus your name and photo on the Wizard Master Lackeys page!


#3 (respuesta al #2)
mar 21-dic-2004 20:45

seria super sencillo programarlo

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