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Foro: Clubbers 

Tema: Universo Paralello IV Festival Alternativo BRASIL 



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Universo Paralello IV Festival Alternativo BRASIL  


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Lucas 22

dom 18-nov-2007 15:26


Alexes - DE
Alquimix - BR
Aquilez - BR
Babag - CH
Berni_akbal - CHI
Brainkiss - BR
Brij - UK
Chico Correa ? BR
Chris - BR
Drika - BR
Ekanta - BR
Electrip Dub ? FR
Fino - BR
Flict - BR
Fred - BR
Gitã ? BR
High - PT
Iain dub - BR
Jah Ras - AU
Jaramogi ? AU
João - BR
Jon Sangita - UK
Josko ? UK
Justin Chaos - ES
Kyma - BR
Lotus - BR
Mariohm - BR
Marjo ? BR
Minotauro - BR
Mixshell - BR
Murilo Ganesh - BR
Pablo RST - BR
Pesado - BR
Pilar - BR
Punkah - BR
Random 14 - BR
Sallun ? BR
San - BR
Shabda - AR
Smurf - BR
Soneca - BR
Tchelo - BR
Thiago Duar - BR
Toari - BR
Turi - BR
Wash - BR

The Place

The city of Ituberá is looking forward to the coming of the Festival. The Festival is already becoming part of the city?s Cultural Calendar and has received both the support and the respect of the local community. Just like in the previous editions, the city is already getting in the mood of the Festival with the arrival of the first production crews and the beginning of works and the Festival site. You can all expect a very ?warm welcome? from all its residents.

And our word of order is still the same: respect. Respect for local customs and traditions. Respect for nature and all public heritage. Respect to your kind. Responsibility and citizenship walk hand in hand with our sacred right to celebrate and have fun.


Las opiniones y comentarios vertidos en estos foros son responsabilidad exclusiva de los particulares
que participan. Buenos Aliens desliga todo tipo de responsabilidad emergente de los mismos.
