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Tema: Fila (Aly & Fila) @ Paradise Garage 14/06/08 



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Fila (Aly & Fila) @ Paradise Garage 14/06/08  


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dee jay
mié 06-feb-2008 10:14

1. 1. Since we caught up with you guys last you have been involved in major events such as A State of Trance 300, how was that experience for you ?

Aly & Fila: It was an amazing experience for sure. Amazing venue and crowd. A day I will never forget.

2. What is the biggest audience you have even performed for ?

Aly & Fila: The biggest audience we have performed for was at the Street Parade 2005 in Zurich. I don?t know the exact amount but they were so many. I?m looking forward to play again this year on the main stage together with Paul Van Dyke, Markus Schulz, Sander Van Doorn and many other top acts.

3. Can you share any information regarding any other projects you are currently involved in ?

Aly & Fila: Well we are working on many new projects at the moment. Many new vocal tracks also some instrumentals as follow up for Ankh & Uraeus.

4. As a team is there one of you who is more focused on mixing and another more involved in production ? How does that work out for you guys ?

Aly & Fila: For mixing I do it alone for the moment. For production we both produce. Sometimes when we have for example 2 remixes to finish at the same time, each one of us work on one of them.

5. What does your studio set up consist of ?

Aly & Fila: For me I was using Cubase but I recently switched to Logic with Apple which is the best thing I have done so far hehe other gears include TC Powercore, Virus TI and several AU and plug ins.

6. Approximately how many records or Cd's do you own ?

Aly & Fila: I think around 2000 records and many many cds.

7. Can you tell us about any upcoming events where you will be performing ?

Aly & Fila: Street Parade in Zurich, Gatecrasher, Peach in London, Distant Heat Festival in Jordan, Calypso club in Tunisia, Hala arena in Poland and other bookings to be confirmed.

8. How does it feel to be on the line up for Gatecrasher, and what are you expectations for this massive event ?

Aly & Fila: Well Gatecrasher for me is the roots of the Trance scene so it means a lot for me playing there and it was one of my dreams.

9. Is there anything that you would like to share with us regarding some recent productions you have been involved in such as 'Ankh - Breath of life' and 'A Dream of Peace' ?

Aly & Fila: Well, about 'Dream of Peace' we did this track with our friend Amadeus from Lebanon and the title was the perfect title for these times where we really need peace in the Middle East area. It?s a dream but I hope it will happen one day.

10. Your new track was recently named "Tune of the Week" on a State of Trance Episode 303, is there anything you would like to say to the people that voted for the track ?

Aly & Fila: I want to thank all the people voting for our track as future favorite. It really means a lot to me to get this kind of appreciation.

11. What can fans expect next from Aly and Fila ?

Aly & Fila: May be an artist album late 2008.

12. How are you adjusting to your recent transition to 'Most Wanted? ?

Aly & Fila: Well 'Most Wanted' is for me the best Agency I could work with, as they believe in us and they are really cool people to work with and so professional on the same time. And now I can concentrate on music and forget about the bookings thing as it used to take so much time speaking with the promoters etc..

13. When it comes to the business aspect of your career do you play a major role in decisions ?

Aly & Fila: Yeah sure. The final word is mine. But I always make sure to do the right decisions.

14. Can we expect a new Aly & Fila video coming out soon ?

Aly & Fila: These days its not easy to have a video clip for trance singles as music channels are not supporting this kind of music anymore, but I hope it will be back one day, and then there might be a possibility.

15. In conclusion I would like to thank you for your time, are there any final comments you have to address your fans ?

Aly & Fila: Thank you for the interview, and thanks to all the fans supporting us. Your support is what keeps us working hard. And I hope I will meet them all one day.

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