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Foro: Clubbers 

Tema: Letras de Temas III 



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Letras de Temas III  


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lun 16-jul-2007 17:06

Lately I've been feeling the same
I've been loosing hope, resisting the pain
It's cold outside, I wish it were clearer
Sometimes, It's just easy to turn around and...

...look in the mirror

Sometimes when I go to sleep
My life spins out in front of me
Like a hurricane, a bottle of whine
Sometimes it's easier to let something else...

...control your life

This is an anthem for the girl that got away
This is an anthem for the world of yesterday
This is an anthem for the rebel of my youth
This is an anthem for risk of loving you

The risk of loving you...

This is an anthem for the girl that got away
This is an anthem for the world of yesterday
This is an anthem for the rebel of my youth
This is an anthem for risk of loving you

The risk of loving you...

Esa es la versión completa, por ejemplo el remix de Cosmic Gate.
En el mix de John O'Callaghan vas a escuchar el estribillo nomás


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que participan. Buenos Aliens desliga todo tipo de responsabilidad emergente de los mismos.
