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Foro: Clubbers 

Tema: 30 DIC - Armin van Buuren @ Big One 



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30 DIC - Armin van Buuren @ Big One  


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dee jay
sáb 29-dic-2007 23:04

Oh si, son hermosas (L)
Otro regalito:

Imagination knows no boundaries,
And we may will find ourselves taking the journey through the dark
But finding the melodic sounds drawing us back to the light.

But our senses has come to the leads that finds us to the tempo,
Which will mold us into the shapes of life that we find to be truly ours

The Seven Mortal Sins
The struggle from the lost souls continues

Whichever choice of the seven ways you wish to make
There's always one true state
The only things we umpeat us in our parts
is the negative guide

It is then we encounter
the Seven Heavenly Virtues

And it is such beings that break the transgression
for our ascension to those that choose to believe in higher state
it is for each one of us to make the decision to take the path that we take

You have made your choice
Its time to descend once again
Let's return to that rabbit hole
and rediscover the true virtues and decadent sins of the past 365 days

This was your year


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