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Foro: Clubbers 

Tema: [REVIEW] 30/04/08 John OO Fleming en Freak Circus @ Pacha 



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[REVIEW] 30/04/08 John OO Fleming en Freak Circus @ Pacha  

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jue 08-may-2008 21:51

Voto: Artística: Excelente (6/6) | Producción: Excelente (6/6)
Conclusión: Increi

No voy a hacer un review de esa noche, solo voy a decir que J00F me parecio increible !
En realidad quiero compartir lo que el mismisimo j00f publico en su space, sobre su presentacion en Pacha
Aqui les va:
"I was a little bit anxious playing here at Pacha, as they are predominantly a Progressive/House club, so was hoping that they would understand what music I would give to them. The DJ before was doing a grand job of opening keeping the tempo down to 125 Bpm and playing very deep. So now I'm assessing the dance floor and going into DJ mode, it can go either way for me here, they either want progressive or will go wild to my Trance. I took the risk and open with a powerful track.....phew they went mad, the energy exploded! I had a 4-hour set, so this allowed me to express myself musically building to some pretty dam hard stuff, then taking thing back down, very deep in places and they stayed with me all throughout my set, it was wonderful. I can see myself wanting to head down this way more often."

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