Jonathan Guidi

Entrevista 2006

Formato: Artista - Título (Versión) [Sello]

Sin orden preferencial

Krikor presents Mix N Match - Disoposable Elvises EP [Omerta]

GYS - Lon [Zero G Sounds]

Punto aka Jacopo Careras & Donato Dozzy - 3tempo3 [Orange Groove]

Shinedoe - Seek & you will find [100% Pure]

Nubian Mindz - Typewrite [Delsin]

Mark Henning - Curveball [Einmaleins]

Mark August - In due time EP [Mezzotinto]

Jeremy P Caulfield - Tumble dry [Dumb Unit]

Hugo - Boys against strobo (Part One) [Tongut]

Anja Schneider - Lily of the valley [Mobilee]

Holger Flinsch - The hidden remix file [Rotary Cocktail]

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Jonathan Guidi

"Live Midland Lounge 19.05.06"

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