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Foro: Clubbers 

Tema: After@superclub con hawtin , beyer y barbara* 



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After@superclub con hawtin , beyer y barbara*  


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mar 18-oct-2005 18:43

Hi to everyone. I am Richie's agent (as well as Adam's and Barbara's) and will explain to you what happened.

First of all, Richie was not scheduled to play a 4 hr set. He was going to play for as long as he felt playing in order to give some additional fun time and greta music to the people.

I resent the fact that people should not go to SAMC, and wait for him to play an afterparty. My suggestion was always that only people with SAMC tickets can attend the afterparty - it is really only a continuation, rather then someone trying to get in on the cheap.

As far as the set times, Barbara was to play from 8-9, and then Rich to follow. In reality, they both started around 7:25, and kept playing ping-pong for a while (i would say about an hour or so). The monitor was painful. There was no bass, and only really pitched-up highs. Every time when Rich would turn around to get a new record, the sound guy was adjusting the levels on the mixer. Not sure if any of you are aware of this, but Rich is definitely the pickiest person on monitor quality and loundness. If you stood next to him on the stage at SAMC, you would have had ear bleeds as well as blurred vision due to eye socket vibration (2 thumbs up for the 8 monitors on that stage!).

Since the monitors and the sound guy were really on his nerves (and everyone else's in the Dj booth for that matter), he just took off in the middle of a record. What more can he do? He didn't want to make anyone feel cheated or shortchanged at all. Just could not perform up to par.

Adam stepped in, and nearly missed his flight to Fortaleza playing for another 2.5 hrs with Barbara. For me, this was the craziest event and musically most fullfilling event of the weekend (I am also Tiesto's and Ferry's agent, and therefore not biased).

Rich will be back again, and maybe there will be a great afterparty with beter monitors put together then.

All the best,

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