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Foro: Clubbers 

Tema: Schiller - Tag und Nacht (NUEVO ALBUM) 



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Schiller - Tag und Nacht (NUEVO ALBUM)  


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Future Breeze

jue 03-nov-2005 23:04

Buen, con motivo del lanzamiento mundial de su nuevo album (fue el sabado) posteo la biografia de uno de los mejores, SI NO EL MEJOR LEJOSSS, musicos de electronica de Alemania y del mundo. Sencillamente la calidad infernal de sus producciones te deja con la boca abierta. Y debe ser seguramente el unico musico capaz de romperla tanto en el ambient/chill out como en el trance mas duro y poderoso. MIS ETERNOS RESPETOS A CHRISTOPHER VON DEYLEN!!!
Aqui, su biografia:


Born in 1970 near Bremen, the 7 year old Christopher von Deylen is made a present of a piano by his grandfather. The accompanying piano lessons are unavoidable and leave their mark on his future musical career. Equally influential are the first Eps that awake his curiosity: Albums by Tangerine Dream, Kraftwerk and Jean-Michel Jarre. Electronic classics with depth and emotional power.

Coincidence and luck bring him to a musically open piano teacher who is also a fan of electronic music. Von Deylen is fascinated by the possibilities opening up to him. Late into the night he experiments with synthesizers and sequencers. At the tender age of 16 he manages to unsettle the spectators at a concert at the classic music school: His first electronic compositions are accompanied by a psychedelic slide show – pictures of the first manned landing on the moon appearing to heavenly sound sequences. As a member of the obligatory high school band (“schlechte Aussichten”/ “Bad Prospects”) he plays the synthesizer and tries his hand at sound engineering with a four-track cassette recorder.

After high school (1990) von Deylen starts a degree in Applied Cultural Studies in Lueneburg. Then in 1992 comes a pre-masters course with “Music” as a core subject. During this time he makes contact with music publisher Peter Meisel in Berlin who introduces him into the Hamburg studio scene. In the legendary sound studios of “Boogie Park” and “Chateau du Pape” he gathers experience in studio work and uses every free minute to put his ideas into practice.


Finally in 1994 comes the release of the first single production under the pseudonym f.l.y.: “Feel the Rhythm”. The record flops, but this doesn’t put him off, and he continues on his musical path, undeterred. He gets involved with the most diverse productions, conscientiously developing his sound.

From dance project TANK (“Can u Feel the Bass”, top 20 single charts) through electronic sequences for DIE PRINZEN, to the hit album “Golden Boy” by SIN WITH SEBASTIAN, produced together with INGA HUMPE (nowadays the voice of “2RAUMWOHNUNG”) – he is constantly excited by the new.

This leads him to arrange the music for the MDR (mid German broadcasting company) talking book production of “Lord of the Flies”, he also produce a remixed version of the 80s ICEHOUSE classic “Hey Little Girl” and releases a cover version of the ART OF NOISE hymn “Moments in Love”.

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