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Foro: Músicos 

Tema: Consejos de Mike Stock (En inglés) 



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Consejos de Mike Stock (En inglés)  


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músico prof.
jue 14-dic-2006 13:43

[Mike Stock es uno de los 3 productores de Stock-Aiken-Waterman que produjeron cientos de hits en los '80 entre ellos Kylie Minogue, Bros, Dead or Alive, Jason Donovan, etc etc)

For Singers:

1. Do not smoke.
2. Sing a well-known song.
3. Make sure you are in the right key.
4. Keep to the tune.
5. Don't overdo the vocal gymnastics.
6. Breathe properly from the diaphragm.
7. Concentrate as much on the words as the tune.
8. Understand the song and mean it from the heart.
9. Listen to comments and criticisms.
10. Know all the rules completely before you break them.

For Songwriters

1. Do not write in a void, have a store of lyrical ideas and melodies that you add to everyday.
2. Know who is likely to want to buy your song before you start. Identify your target audience.
3. Start with a title. Make it a catch phrase.
4. Lyrics should deal with aspects of personal relationships.
5. Tunes should peak at the title or catchphrase which is usually the point of the song.
6. As a rule tunes should start low in the register and rise up to the climax.
7. Make sure you have an identifiable structure. Verse, Chorus, Bridge etc.
8. Use tricks and gimmicks such as key changes and repeated words and sections.
9. Listen to comments and criticisms.
10. Know all the rules completely before you break them.

Espero se entienda...

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