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Foro: Músicos 

Tema: Qtrax: El fin del formato comercial? 



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Qtrax: El fin del formato comercial?  


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mié 06-feb-2008 11:57

what a boring time to be a Dj , no more record shops, sitting on line listening to downloads is the most irritating thing Ive had to do in a long time,(WHACK IS THE WORD) the worst thing is to download a track thinking it might be hot only to play it and its shit, there is no way listening to a track on a computer on the fly ( IN A HURRY) is the same as bangin it on a system to get the feel. This is not the future myself and Juan Atkins envisioned , but it is what it is,,,ain't it! ill keep bangin vinyl till its no more ,Cd's i can live with but downloads "i ain't down for the load" mofoes look like there checking there email................................................................. welcome to the bland future.

Derrick May

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