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Foro: Clubbers 

Tema: Mark Sherry & Bryan Kearney @ Fiesta PURA, Crobar 08/07/09 [SUSPENDIDO] 



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Mark Sherry & Bryan Kearney @ Fiesta PURA, Crobar 08/07/09 [SUSPENDIDO]  


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Johny Wikinson

jue 02-jul-2009 12:07

Hey guys,

Today i got the awful news that the Fiesta Pura gig due to take place on the 8th July has been cancelled due to the current health situation which is unfortunately taking place in Argentina at this time. I cannot describe how disappointed i am by this happening but the decision is correct for the safety and well being of everyone involved. I am sure that it is a worrying time for all of you at the moment and should be a time of extreme caution with regards to the safety of yourself, your family and all your friends and all appropriate action should be taken to make sure everyone's health is unaffected.

This gig in Argentina has been the most anticipated performance of my life and for it not to take place really is a massive disappointment that i cannot put into words. It is all i have thought about for months, something that i haven't stopped thinking about, have looked forward to and i can't believe it won't be taking place next week. I have yet to visit Argentina but i already know how special the place is from the reports from fellow djs that have played there and from the feedback i receive from so many people on a daily basis. I recieve more feedback from Argentina than anywhere else in the world and it is something that i appreciate so much, your respect and passion for music is incredible and that is why i was looking forward so much to making my first performance next week.

But do not worry, this gig will be re-schedueled to take place as soon as possible for both myself and Cristian. We must hope that the current health situation improves and also that everyone gets through it ok. This gig continues to be the most anticipated party of my career to date and we will make sure that when it happens it will indeed be very special and i know it will be one that i will never forget and i hope it will be the same for everyone else.

I hope everyone understands the reasons for the cancellation and that this party will still take place a.s.a.p.


Bryan :)

CLAP CLAP CLAP para Bryan, un ejemplo!!! :D


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