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Foro: Clubbers 

Tema: Publicación de Bryan Kearney (para debatir) 



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Publicación de Bryan Kearney (para debatir)  


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lun 12-oct-2009 15:15

Esto aparentemente se lo paso un amigo o algo asi a Bryan y lo publico en Facebook. Para los que entiendan algo de ingles o despues alguno que se cope haciendo una traducción les dejo la nota que me parecio muy interesante y para debatir al respecto.

"To all the producers who changed their sound to match current trends and ?hopefully? sell units. where?s your heart? fuck you!

To all the dj?s that ?jumped ship? to minimal for financial reasons or ego issues, where?s your identity? who are you really? a jukebox, a wedding dj? do you even know? do you play music just because it?s popular? if country and western was the next ?big thing? would you play that too? fuck you!

To all the non hardworking, non sweating dj?s that don?t really mix, scared to up the intensity and energy levels, who occasionally punch the air with a smile less convincing than an air stewardess, that have 50 ?friends? in the dj booth, drinking champagne ?mincing? like footballers wives, taking more drugs than the crowd and thinking you?re ?uber cool?, have you got any respect at all for the dancefloor paying your wages? fuck you!

To all the people who forgot the raw stripped to the essential bare bones machine funk of hood, mills etc.. and decided to call this new weak assed mindless, soulless, grooveless shit ?minimal?. fuck you!

Derrick may once famously said that techno was like ?george clinton and kraftwerk trapped in an elevator?, a perfect combination of funk and electronics , how did the bulk of new school ?minimal techno? get it sooo wrong?? they deleted everything but the elevator. empty, lifeless and no fun at all.

Fuck you and fuck ?your? minimal!

Ben Sims"

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