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Tema: FlStudio 5 Coming Soon 22 Nov 04 



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FlStudio 5 Coming Soon 22 Nov 04  


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dom 21-nov-2004 9:46

Made channel resampling option always enabled.
'Keep on disk' samples can now be modified (loaded from disk when needed).
Can now check 'keep on disk', 'resample' & other options even when not possible.
Newbie enhancement: snapping is off by default.
Can now drop samples onto the channel settings window.
Preview now only loads the few first seconds (for MP3's to preview faster).
XY controller now supports multiple joysticks.
Right-clicking the recording disk to arm a mixer track won't prompt for a filename.
Added option not to auto-unarm mixer tracks.
Selecting an ASIO input now arms the mixer track automatically.
Added option to trim audio clip parts outside playlist selection.
Auto-envelope cleaning in step edit mode in Sytrus & Fruity Waveshaper envelopes.
Remove transposing from quantization tool
Toolbars can now be locked.
Replace 'Ignore velocity' option by 'Velocity link', to control per-note filter using velocity.
Can now shift+click note events to unselect them.
Can now set one of the external audio editors to replace the default one.
Added support for Hercules DJ Console
Added sampler interpolation method selector for realtime playback (audio settings).
Removed obsolete 1..9 pattern selector.
FST and FSC file extensions are now associated with the app
Auto-scrolling switch now in the main part of the UI, and auto-disabled.
Song selection now shown in the transport slider as well.
Minor cosmetic changes and new wallpapers.
Shift disables 'typing keyboard to piano' feature
BkSp shortcut for quick snap switch.
Fixed problem with incoming MIDI note off messages too quickly after note on.
Minor fix in Fruity Vocoder.
Removed (abused) live loop, in favor of Collab.

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