Jonathan Guidi

Entrevista 2006

Formato: Artista - Titulo (Versión) [Sello]

Sin orden preferencial

. Ekkohaus - Denz Muzik [Kickboxer]

. Luca Bacchetti - Out Of Breath [Tenax]

. Aprendics Shuffle - Deluxe Cynic [Mo's Ferry Productions]

. Ryan Crosson - Artists Have Bad Haircuts [Telegraph]

. Audio Werner - Shiers! [Hartchef Discos]

. Marascia - Liquid Gold Sound [Deeperfect]

. Rhythm & Sound - Let We Go (Villalobos Remix) [Burial Mix]

. Skat - Elusive [Karat]

. Jona - The Learnings [Get Physical]

Jonathan Guidi

. Sierra Sam - Son Of The Knight [Surprise]

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